Thursday 26 July 2012

Sport Watches

Sport Watches

I think I figured it out: (Start + Reset) = toggle alarm on/off ("ALM" will display in upper left corner when alarm is on. (press Mode once) will bring you in chrono mode, where "start" button starts and stops the chrono, and "reset" button resets it back to zero (press Mode once more) will bring you to setting of time for alarm. Set the "hour" value by pressing "start" repeatedly, then press "reset" and set the "minute" value by pressing "start" repeatedly (press Mode once more) will bring you to setting of time for actual time. Reset the "Seconds" value to zero by pressing "start" button once, then press "reset" and set the "minute" value by pressing "start" repeatedly, then press "reset" and set the "hour" value by pressing "start" repeatedly (if it shows "H" in upper right corner, time will be displayed euro-style 0:00-23:59, if it shows "A" time will be displayed 12am/12pm), then press "reset" and set the "day of month" value by pressing "start" repeatedly, then press "reset" and set the "month" value (1-12) by pressing "start" repeatedly, then press "reset" and set the "day of week" value (Su-Sa) by pressing "start" repeatedly (press Mode once more) voila! 

Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches

 Sport Watches



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