Monday, 6 August 2012

Online Auto Parts

Online Auto Parts

Jamaica's Usian Bolt cemented his status as the fastest man on earth when he stormed to victory in the 100-meter dash on Sunday, while China captured five gold medals to reclaim the top spot in the medals table.The first chapter describes the author (George's) early life saying that everything
seemed normal until he reaches the age of five. It is at this young age that George
experiences his first contact with the spiritual world, although he did not
realise it at the time, through what his parents think is a regular bad dream.
George grew up thinking that this dream was normal as they continued until he
was aged seventeen.
    Even though George experiences a few other strange occurrences in his young early life it
is not until the age of twenty-one after the death of a close friend (Steve)
that George’s wife is asked to check out the local Spiritualist church. They
attend just to satisfy their curiosity but while listening to the medium give
readings to others in the room George is unsure about how authentic she really
is. That is until she reaches George and mentions things that only he and his,
now deceased close friend had known about. She also mentions that one day he
would be running a spiritualist church and be giving readings to others from
                                                          spirits too!
    Once arriving home, the church and what was said to George was never mentioned again
although he did continue to think about it quite often.
    After an unknown illness, George and his family move to Queensland where he experiences even more unexplainable situations. It is his dad’s passing that starts the beginning of George’s major spiritual journey and he then starts to communicate with his father quite regularly through mediumship and electrical appliances too.
    Eventually George becomes a reverend minister and runs a spiritualist church in Queensland where he helps others communicate with spirits. George also helps and assists people in the public that have spirit problems of many and all sorts.
    George learns many invaluable lessons throughout his life which teach him much. He now completely understands that our world is not the only one in existence. He also realises that the truths in our worlds are really endless, with absolutely anything being a real possibility.

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 Online Auto Parts


1 comment:

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